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Behavioral Techniques

  • Treat everyone with respect. My classroom will have a zero tolerance to inappropriate language/conversations and bullying. A conversation with Miss. Neill will take place if these instances arise and an email will be sent to your parents. If the issue continues you could face different consequences of detention. See the warning scale below.

  • I expect that students arrive on time. With that being said if you need to go to the restroom and worry you will be late come into the room drop off your stuff and inform me of where you are going so that I know you are not late. 

  • Communication is key in my classroom, if there is a problem or something that needs to be addressed bring it to my attention.  

  • I understand life happens and you may forget an assignment. Late work will be accepted but it will have an automatic 5 point reduction for every day that it is not turned in after that. Please note there is flexibility with this given the circumstances that is why it is important to communicate with me why it is late. 

  • Situations throughout the semester may come up that needs attention, and will be delt with on a case by case situation. 

Warning System:

1. A verbal warning

2. A discussion with Miss. Neill and an email or phone call home to guardians

3. Detention

4. Principale intervention

Classroom Incintive
  • If Miss. Neill sees students doing something good she will put their name on a piece of paper in their class jar which will be on display in the classroom corner. I will not announce that I am doing this instead I will put the reason on the piece of paper.

  • At the end of the month I will randomly draw a name out of each jar and I will tell the class who the student is and what I observed them doing that earned their name to be in the jar. 

  • The prize will vary month to month. 

  • If by the end of each quarter I have put every students name in the jar at least one time then the class will get a collective prize of their choice between a variety of options. 

Student please remember to communicate with me. I want to help you in anyway possible but I cannot do this if I do not know what is going on behind the scene. Remember there is one of me and a lot of you. 


I want my classroom to a safe place for the students so I want to make sure that my expectations are set. I also think it is important to state in the beginning what my warning system is so when students act out they are not surprised by the order in which events happen. I want to create an environment where students feel safe but I also understand that as young adolescents they are growing and developing so I also allow chances to make mistakes and grow. While I encourage mistakes I want to make sure that I am clear on behaviors that I am not going to tolerate which is anything that is harmful or disrespectful to other students. I also want to make sure that I emphasize communication as that will go a long way with me as a teacher. I would like to think that my teaching style will be the balance of strict and flexible as long as there is communication. An example of this would be if there was an assignment due on Monday but the student said that they forgot the worksheet at their dads house over the weekend and they are with their mom now I will be more flexible with late work verses someone who doesn’t say anything about it not being done. I think late work should be allowed but if there is no communication as to why, there will be a penalization of 5 points. For the classroom reward system my thinking with this system is to reward the students for good behavior as a whole and as a class. My idea is that the way to reward the class is if each individual has a moment of being good. This is up to the teacher discretion but it would be things like helping others, saying something kind, or doing something without having to be told. An example of this would be if I notice a student in a small group being patient with someone in their group and helping them understand the work then I would write their name on the paper and write worked well with others in a group. By not sharing out exactly what I was writing on the paper right away it is my hope that reading it later will remind the students of different ways that students can be kind and model students. Behavioral techniques for expectations can really vary from class to class but I think this is a good starting point for my classroom an allows me to make adjustments along the way. 

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