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Student Involvement Procedure 

There will be 5 essential roles that students will have inside the classroom
1. Class Leader

This student will come up with the attendance question that is asked at the beginning of class. They also hold the role in the safety procedures.

2. Paper Passer

This person will pass out any Worksheets or assignments out to the class that are ungraded. 

4. Organizer 1

This student will be in charge of the Students Corner specifically the supply area and make sure that after every class it is clean. They will also inform the teacher of any that is getting low.

3. Homework Reader

At the end of the class the homework reader will read out load what the homework for that night will be. 

5. Organizer 2

This student will be in charge of the Students Corner specifically the comfortable area and make sure that after every class it is clean.  They will also inform the teacher or any damage.

Leadership in Small Groups
  • Time Keeper- this student will be in charge of the time to make sure that the group keeps up a good pace

  • Task Monitor- this students is in charge of making sure the group stays on task. Side conversations happen but it is important to have someone to keep the group on task. 

  • Speaker- this will be the person who shares the groups ideas out to the class


There are going to be 5 essential roles that students will play inside the classroom. These roles will be for the whole week. These will be divided up by the group tables. Week one will be group one, week two will be group two, and so on until the end of the year. This will allow for everyone to take on different roles in the classroom. The class leader will come up with the attendance question, this will allow for the teacher to see what the students might be interested in and its just a fun way to have students connect. This student will also have a role in the safety procedures as well. This student is chosen out of the group by the teacher as someone who showed model behavior the week before. The paper passer will be a student who will pass out any papers that the students might need for the class. They will only pass out work that is not graded so that they do not see any student grades. The homework reader will be asked at the end of the day to read off the homework that is due for other students to write in their school planner. There will also be an organizer 1 and 2 which will be a great way to keep students in cleaning up after themselves in the student corner. While they may have the responsibility of the certain area it is up to everyone to keep it clean but these students will check for other things within the area. Within small groups students will also have certain roles on top of being good group members. When collaborating in groups it can often get distracting and have side conversations, this is why there will be a task monitor that is in charge of making sure the group stays on task. This students will also work close with the time keeper to make sure they finish the group activity on time. These student involvement roles are to show that this class functions as a whole and everyone has a role to play which can be related to society.

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