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Challenge 1: What We Keep

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TED talk

3 big ideas

  • Putting yourself out there and meeting people you can learn a lot about others.

  • Sometimes the smallest interaction with someone can have the largest impact on someones life.

  • Share with strangers, it might be uncomfortable but it can help you grow as a person.

2 takeaways

  • Not all strangers are dangerous and you might even have the best conversations with them

  • Always compliment people when you see them, it can spark a conversation.

1 Question

  • Why do we avoid talking to strangers? As the video said some would even avoid doing stuff to not have to talk to strangers? Where did this all start? (besides the obvious about needing to be aware of the dangers.)

Fear Story 8/25/21

My Fear Story:

 I have a fear of geese. I did not realize this until moving to Bloomington. Sure I have seen them before but they were never around my house the way they are around my apartment here. While it may seem silly since the obvious answer is to just avoid them or go around them but they do follow you. I was sitting out one day outside my apartment in the summer reading a book and I was not paying attention to my surroundings. I was out there for probably 30 to 40 minutes when I decided to look up. Coming straight at me a heard of geese. While yes they were moving fairly slowly when they got close enough they stopped. After some time of what seemed like a showdown to make the next move they finally seemed like they were going to leave. Once they turned I started to pack up my lawn chair to go inside and the movement must have started them because next thing I know one of them is turned and hissing at me. I immediately stopped moving scared of what to do next. So I just stood there and once the flock was out of the area I slowly began to back up until I was far enough that I felt safe to run back to my door. They even make me nervous now when I am driving in my car because they will stop and hiss at it.


Revised My Fear Story:


One hot summer day in the middle of July, I had the day off from work. It was my first and only day off for the week so I wanted to do something relaxing. I decided that I wanted to go outside, tan, and enjoy the day. So I grab a book and a lawn chair to sit outside my apartment with by the pond. As I begin to read this book I am completely consumed by it and no longer aware of my surroundings. Thirty minutes go by and I am starting to get a little overheated. As I grab a sip of water I decide to glance up. Staring straight at me was a group of geese. They were just looking at me from about 15 feet away. I immediately froze and the showdown began. They were moving fairly slowly but they started to walk away. Once they started to walk away, I began packing up my lawn chair to go back inside. The movement startled them and now a geese began to hiss at me from only 10 feet away. I was immediately unsure what to do next. So I just stood there until the group began to move away again. Once the group was out of the area I began to slowly back up until I was far enough that I felt safe to run to my door. Once I made it to the door I finally felt safe. This is a new fear for me but now whenever I am outside I always make sure that there are not geese around. Although this is a fear that I have I recognize that the outside is there home and in their mind I was in their space so I will now be mindful of where I am at.

Challenge 2: Be Your Own Detective

Question 1:  What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

To make decisions for myself. I have to make myself happy when making decisions. Money is not everything. Your job/career does not define who you are as a person. Think before you speak. Everyone is struggling, please be kind. No one, and I mean no one has any idea what they are doing in life. 

Question 2: What are you proudest of?

Graduating. Moving out. Living on my own. Paying my bills. Feeling "financially stable." Learning to set boundaries with myself and others. Standing up for myself. How far I have come. 

Question 3: What does your future hold?

I hope happiness. A new car. Better work life balance. Travel. Less stress. more time with friends and family. A house so I can have a dog. A teaching job at a district I am happy at.

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Video Notes:

3 Big Ideas from the Video

  1. ​That the world around us may not be as joyful as it could be. Our surrounding could be what is limiting the amount of joy that we feel.

  2. Joy while different for everyone does have some common theme in shape and color, being round and bright.

  3. Joy can come from inanimate objects and not just from people. You can find joy in a lost of items both real and not. 

2 Questions

  1. How would mental health improve if more places did add color to their offices, schools, downtown buildings etc ?

  2. How much of the way we dress affects how people perceive us? If we wear darker clothing are we seen more reserved than someone in bright clothing. How does this apply to getting a job?

1 Brainstorm

This really made me think about when I have a classroom and the colors that I will use to decorate with. This really made me think of all the ways that I can add color. Making sure that my classroom is inviting for students and displays colors that make them feel welcomed and joyful.

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