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Seating Chart

Teacher's Supplies


Group Two

Group One

Teacher's Moveable Stand

White Board

Student's supply area











Fuzzy Rug




Student Corner



Teacher's supply cabinet

Group Four

Group Five

Teacher's Desk

White Board


This seating chart is designed with the students’ needs in mind. First the students desk will be in pods as to allow for easy collaboration with the students around them. This type of seating will also allow for the teacher to teach from any point in the room as they will be allowed to easily move their desks around. The teachers desk will be at the front of the classroom to allow the teacher to see the room and faces to monitor for students to be on task. In the room though the teacher will have a movable teachers stand to allow for the teacher to teach from any point in the room. That is why the white boards are spread out around the room. The smart board will also be in the front of the classroom to allow all the students to be able to see the board. The desks also allow a direct path to the door so that if there were an emergency there would not be anything in the way that they students would have go around. In the front of the room opposite of the teachers desk there is the students corner which is where students can work and collaborate while also being comfortable. This has young adolescents physical growth in mind as they might become uncomfortable sitting in their desks all day. The room is designed with their needs in mind to be collaborative and allow for space to move around. The teacher’s supplies and cabinet will also be in the back of the classroom as a way to keep those items as a minimal distraction since they will not be looking at them directly in class. The room also has lesson design in mind. By having desks that move it allows for the teacher to design lesson that include collaboration and physical movement.   The pods are also organized by a group number which will help with classroom jobs in the classroom. This will also be used for lining up or when needing to redirect a specific table the teacher can just yll out "Group One line up" and those students will know who they are. 

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