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Time, Space, & Material Management

  • When transitioning from one activity to another I will plan for more time within my lesson but still tell the students that they have a certain amount of time

  • I will make sure that all instructions are put on the board to eliminate any confusion with the directions and it allow less questioning when moving around. 

  • To allow for the most time for students to learn I will make sure to be organized with my own plans so that students do not have to wait for me to get everything ready

  • There will also be a clear rotation in place to eliminate confusion and not take up time.

  • Time will be kept with a timer that is displayed for student and teacher to see

  • Students will be allowed time in class to work on assignments to get started and ask questions

  • The amount of time students have to complete assignments will vary depending on the student. There will be deadlines to promote time management but I will be flexible within reason on late assignments

  • Students will have two minutes (unless activity needs more) to clean up the area around them. This includes, straightening up the room, cleaning up any messes, and making sure the student corner is as they found it when they walked in.

  • Organizer 1 and 2 for the week will inform the teacher of anything in the area that needs attention

  • Students will show that they are ready to go to their next class by being by their desk and packed up

Storing Material
  • I will have bins around the room labeled to show where things belong such as: Corrections, Graded, , and late work. This will allow students to turn in work to the correct area.

  • I will also keep the different classes organized with a storage organizer that has the papers for that day in each classes bins, making it easier to grab and pass out. The Paper passer will be able to access this bin.

  • There will also be another bin that will help separate the classes and this will be graded work that needs to be passed out. No student will be able to access this bin.

  • The student corner will be a space for the students to learn and relax

  • This space will be for the students to have to help them not feel at school, but the students are responsible for this space. They need to make sure that it is tidy and neat.

  • The area will be on first come first serve basis but a rotating schedule will be provided if the students feel this is unfair. 

In the classroom there are many points in time that the students will be under time constraints and have to deal with transitions from one classroom to the next. Time, space, and material go hand in hand in the classroom. It is important that the lessons are organized and well thought out to eliminate any confusion with transition time. Since the classes are time sensitive it is important to be organized to eliminate any confusion or hold ups when teaching the lesson. Transitions are really important element of moving from one activity to the next. Within the lesson planning I plan to allow for more time with transitions but tell the students a different time. An example of this would be, if we are doing stations in the classroom and need to rotate I would tell the students that they have 1 minute to change stations but in my lesson I would allow for 3 in case of any questions or students that need more time. Structuring transitions in this way will make sure that the students are not rushed while also keeping a schedule. To keep myself and the students on task I will also utilized a timer within the classroom. This is a great way to keep myself and the students on track. I also plan to allow time in the classroom for students to ask questions on the assignments to eliminate any confusion late when they are working on it. Organization is a personal favorite of mine. I think that organization is key with having a smooth and successful classroom. That is why I plan to have bins that separate everything for the students but also for myself as the teacher. I will be clear about what bins the students can interact with and which ones they cannot. Being organized in the classroom will benefit the students and the teacher. It is important to show students an example of the expectations with being organized so that students see the expectations.  
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