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Technology Policy


  • Much of what we do in this class will be on the school provided computers. You will be instructed when you can get these out and when that you should put them away. I will be monitoring your screens to ensure that you are following along. 

  • If you are consistently off task there will be a discussion with Miss. Neill and risk the possibility of getting your computer taken away or sitting by me to ensure that you are on task.

  • Games on the computer should not be played while in the middle of the lesson.


Cell Phone

  • Cell phones should be kept in your backpack on silent during my class.

  • There will be certain activities that may allow you to use them but I will instruct you when that time comes

  • If cell phones become an issue actions will be taken to eliminate the problem.



  • Headphone will be allowed while working on assignments BUT others around you and myself should not be able to hear it. 

  • This will be a time to use your phone to listen to music but you must turn on the music and then set the phone on the desk. NO SCROLLING. 

  • I will let you know when you can listen to music and when it is time to put the headphones away. 


Hey, Miss Neill my laptop is dead...

  • I understand that laptops sometimes do not hold a charge as well as they did in the beginning. You will be allowed to charge in the classroom if it is needed, especially in the later hours.

  • 1st hour though if you consistently have an uncharged laptop there will be a reminder about responsibility and that having a charged laptop in the morning is a part of being ready for class.

  • If you do not have you laptop consistently a conversation will be had about the reasons why. Paper copies may be provided for students that have missing technology.


Technology in the class is a huge part of the classroom and everyday learning. While my classroom will embrace technology there is also a time and place for it. Students will be given a lot of trust in the beginning with their technology and assuming they are on task. I will be monitoring them though to check if they are. The more the students are off task the stricter I will be with the technology use for computers. When it comes to cell phones I think it is fine if the students have their cell phones with them in the classroom as long as they are on silent and put away. There may be certain activities that will require their phones so I would rather students have them in class than have to go into the hallway to get them. Accommodations will be made for any student that do not have cell phones. I also will allow music and headphones in my classroom. I think that this is something that the students will enjoy and will help keep them focused. I understand that life happens and students may forget to charge their laptops but if it is a consistent problem I will most likely have a conversation with the student to figure out the reasoning. Hopefully I will be in a classroom with outlets that will allow me to be able to have multiple students charging at one time.  An example of my technology use in my classroom would be if there is a time set aside to allow students to work on a homework assignment I will say something like “you may now get out your cell phone and listen to music but once you find the song the phone must remain on your desk.” I think that as long as the students are on task and not being distracting and I am fairly relaxed with technology use.

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