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Record Keeping

  • While our district does traditional grading scale of A-F this classroom will be an adoption on this. 

  • While we will have an emphasis on getting good scores on the assignments there will also be a factor of growth within the classroom. Tests will not be the only factor into your grade at the end of the semester. Your grade will be on 3 factors : work done in the class (homework, tests, papers), Respect within the classroom (kindness, respect to others and classroom), and professionalism (on time, organized, communication). 

  • It is possible to have work that is a B but if you show effort into the other factors it is possible to get an A. Students will also have the opportunity to have a one on one conference at the end of the semester to talk about their grades. We will discuss what grade they are at and why. We will then discuss ways that the student can improve of ways to challenge student further. 

  • Grades can be a very scary and stress/anxiety inducing aspect of school and I hope that my grading scale will eliminate this stress. 

  • Grades will be put into a grading book until all of the assignments are turned in at that point they will then be entered into an electric copy.

  • Attendance will be taken everyday at the beginning of the class.

  • I will ask the students an attendance question that will either be random or be a question about yesterdays lesson or the upcoming lessons. 

  • Having an attendance question will be a way to connect with the students further since you will be able to see how the students answer the questions. 

  • Keeping record of when students are gone will be essential for late work and knowing what students need to make up work.

  • Attendance will be on physical paper so that if there is a sub they will be able take attendance without being on my computer. 

  • The attendance book will be in hard copy form and will look like this:

Screen Shot 2021-11-19 at 6.55.43 PM.png
Grades- Grades can be an extremely stressful thing to students. From personal experience at times in my education career I was more worried about getting a good grade than actually learning that material.  I do not want this for the students so I want to have an opportunity for their grade to be more than the work they do within the classroom and more on the student as a human. I think that having grades in this way will allow students to focus on learning the material rather than simply passing because they are in a time where this is where habits, good and bad, are being formed. An example of this would be if a student has a B in the class but they really want an A, the student during our meeting will be able to advocate for their grade based off of the other 2 categories. This way of grading goes back to my expectations of communication since the students will be advocating for their grade. Grades will be kept in a physical grading book until all the students have turned in the assignment and then once they are all in it will be transferred to an electronic copy.
Attendance- I think that asking attendance at the beginning of the class with a question is a great way to get to know the students and allows the students to open up and be more comfortable with the teacher. The attendance will have its own separate binder that will be clearly labeled so that when a sub is present they will be able to find it. The sheet will be a basic class list and it will be a great way to keep track of when students were gone. This will help the teacher know why students might have late work or if they did poorly on a test. For example if a student did really poorly on a test but I look back and they missed the first 2 days of the lesson I can understand why that is. This would also be a great way to notice any trends in students being absent so that they can be addressed if necessary.  
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