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Safety, Health, & Environment

What to do if there is a...


  • Drop everything that you are working on and do not grab any personal belongings 
  • Exit the classroom with the class in a quiet, non panicked way (walk do not run). 
  • We will exit out the closest doors to the classroom which is to the left out door #14
  • Once outside we are to get as far away from the building as we can; our meeting spot is in the back parking lot in front of the football field.
  • We will line up quietly in the parking lot out the doors were I will take attendance and we will wait for the next step from Miss. Neill and the administration.
  • IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE CLASSROOM... if you are not in the classroom when the alarm goes off exit out the door closest to you, once outside either find another teacher or if you are close to the side of the building come to the back parking lot in front of the football field. If you are upstairs remember do not take the elevator, only the stairs. 


  • Drop everything that you are working on and do not grab any personal belongings 
  • As a class we will exit the classroom and go down the hallway in a quiet and safe manner (walk do not run). We are in a classroom that has several windows so we must go to an interior area
  • Our class is to go to the girls bathroom in the hallway directly out the door. When you get in there go all the way to the back wall and sit down and cover your head with your hands. There will likely be another class in there with us so it is important to create as much room as possible. 
  • Wait for next steps from Miss. Neill and the administration.
  • IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE CLASSROOM.. when the alarm goes off go to the closest room that does not have windows. Or find a teacher that is leading their class to a room and go with them. Do not make your way to our safe spot if you are not close to it.


  • If someone is injured or needs assistance get the teacher or an adult that is near immediately. 
  • If there is a lockdown: Miss Neill will lock the door, we will push desks up against the door, and we will locate ourselves out of the direct view of the door and windows. We will be quiet and calm while we wait to hear what to do next.
  • When it is advised and safe to do so we will exit the building, but only when it is safe to do so.
    • When we exit the classroom exit out of door #14 towards the football field and wait for instructions from Miss. Neill​
  • Emergencies can be scary but it is important to remember to stay calm, quiet and find an adult.
  • IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE CLASSROOM... go to the nearest classroom and remain there until instructed it is safe to leave. 

What to do if there is not an adult in the room

  • If the teacher is not in the room either at the beginning of class or has to step out into the hallway remain in your seat and quiet while working on either homework or read silently. If I am not in class after 5 minutes of the bell ringing the class leader for that week will go next door to Miss. K's classroom and tell her that I am not in the classroom. 
  • If someone is injured when Miss. Neill is not present, the class leader for that week will go get Miss. K next door and alert her of the emergency. 
  • If any of the alarms go off these safety steps will be printed by the door to remind you were you are to go. Do not wait for Miss. Neill to follow these steps, I will meet you at our safe spaces. 
  • If the class leader is absent then the Class Organizer will be next in line. 

Hey, don't touch that!

  • Miss. Neill's Desk- unless I ask you to grab something from the desk you should not be behind or near the desk. Anything on the desk should not be touched.
  • Other student's belongings- If it does not belong to you, do not touch it. Especially another students laptop, book, etc. Only touch what belongs to you.
  • Teacher Supply Cart- I will have a couple random supply carts around the room that should not be touched as they may have items on them that should not be messed with. There will be a designated cart for students that you may use which I will point out the first day of class.
  • White Board, Smart board etc. - These are school property, unless instructed by teacher you will not write, play on, interact with these. 
  • Decorations- There are several decorations around the classroom if it is on the wall, it stays on the wall. There will be a designated seating space that I have provided that you will be able to use with permission but you should start every day in your assigned seat until after attendance then you may ask to move. 

Areas where you are not allowed

  • Behind Miss. Neill's Desk- unless instructed to do so students are not allowed behind the desk.
  • File cabinets- this area is only for the teachers
  • Supply closet- This is where cleaning supplies, extra supplies, artifacts, etc. will be located and this area is off limits. 
The safety of the students in the school and the classroom is one of the most important things. Without a safe environment the students can not properly focus on their learning. For the safety procedure it was important to list that we will be exiting as a class so that students do not panic and exit on their own. In emergency situations it is very easy for students to become panicked, which is why I made sure to emphasize being quiet to hopefully eliminate any panic. I also made sure to include what the students should do if there is an emergency and they are not in the classroom. Since students are able to use the restroom or they might have to go to their locker to find something it is important they know what to do so they do not panic. These instructions with what to do when there is an emergency will be posted by the door for a quick reminder about where to go. This will also be important for the students if there is not a teacher in the classroom when the alarm goes off. This is also important for the students to know exactly what teacher to get if the teacher does not show up at the beginning of the class. To eliminate any confusion within the classroom on who should get the adult there will be a class leader every week and that person will be responsible to get the adult. If the class leader is gone then the class organizer will be next in line. There will be 5 different jobs for the week which will be the order for students if they are absent of who is in charge. It will be explained though that there should be no debating that someone needs to go. For safety within the environment it is important to point of places that students may either injure themselves or see private information and make sure students understand not to go near these places. For example the students will not be allowed to touch and be behind my desk as there is a chance that they could see the grades of students if there are papers on my desk to be passed out and that is a violation of privacy. In my classroom I hope to be organized and have teacher carts that include items only for the teacher these will be obvious to the students and will be items that the students are not allowed to use either for their safety or they are material essential for the class that cannot be shared. There will be students carts though that will be safe for the students to use. Another area that I made sure the students cannot go to would be the supply closet. In the supply closet there will be cleaning supplies, historical pieces to show for certain lessons, and extra supplies for the classroom. Students could potentially cause harm if they mess with the cleaning supplies in an unsafe way so it is important to have those away and in an area that is off limits to the students.
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