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Expectations with Communication in the classroom


  • Treat EVERYONE with respect

  • Think before you speak

  • Is what you are about to say true?

  • Raise your hand when you have a question

  • There is no such thing as a "dumb" question

  • I want you to succeed. If you are having problems or struggling with anything please come and talk to me. 

  • If you see someone struggling, help them, don't make fun of them. We are all learners here!


Whole-Group Expectations

Expectations for group work

  • Do not talk when others are talking or sharing out

  • Be respectful to your classmates and teachers 

  • Be productive not disruptive

  • There will be a lot of collaboration in the classroom but it is important that the volume in the classroom does not get too loud as it is important to be able to hear announcements as well as allow others to learn and listen.

  • Everyone should participate

  • Take turns speaking and do not talk over others

  • Listen to everyones thoughts and opinions

  • If you disagree with someone handle it in a respectful way

  • Be on task

Individual Expectations

  • Ask questions when you have

  • Raise your hand to be called on to share idea.

  • When given time to work, please take advantage of it and don't take this time to play games or talk to your friends.

Emergency Communication

  • Remain calm and quiet and sit in your seat

  • Wait for instructions from either Miss. Neill or an announcement. 

  • Follow emergency instructions by the door.

  • Communicate any information to the teacher

Class Note: these are not the only expectations that I have for the class, these can and will be adjusted as the year continues which Miss. Neill will make known.

Now what else...
As a class we are going to come up with 3 more communication expectations for the class.



This page is essential to set what my expectations are in the classroom and how students should treat other students and adults. There is the mention of respect with every different type of interaction to remind students that even if they are not interacting with an adult they still need to be kind and respectful to the others in the class. Students will learn the importance of waiting their turn to speak by making sure they do not speak over others while they are talking. While I have set the expectations for the students I also want the students to come up with at least three more communication expectations for the class so that it helps set the tone for the class. Having the students involvement also helps the students get a say in how the class is run. The students have just as much of an impact on the class as the teacher does. Having this in the handbook helps students feel a part of the classroom and promotes their decision making skills. The individual expectations are there to show that when students are working independently is to ask questions. I feel that this is important because I want to create an environment where the students feel comfortable asking any question when they have them. Also when there is time to work make sure that you are not being disruptive to those that are working. For whole-group communication it is important to be respectful of others as humans and learners. In group work I expect that it is just that, work as a group. It is important that all students work together to hear each other out. When it comes to emergencies it is important to remember to remain calm as causing chaos can make the situation worse.

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