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Memoir Challenge

The Book: 


While I read: Here is where I made connections while reading the memoir. 

Project with connections: This memoir deals a lot about weight in young adolescents and healthy eating habits. At this age is where YA's are the most influential and where they begin developing patters and habits that can stick with them for the rest of their lives. It is important to teach children body positivity but also how to properly fuel their bodies while they are developing. Often YA take after their parents with their eating patterns and styles but if no one was teaching their parents healthy eating style's then it just continues a cycle. Every body is going to look different than the next but it is important to give students the tools needed. In the book What Every Middle School Teacher should know it talks about how the YA diet "one quarter of all vegetables eaten by teens are french fries." (pg. 21) This sparked the idea to me to create a meal plan that is healthy and could be something that YA want to eat. 

April 12- April 18, 2021

Breakfast: Oatmeal with Fruit

Lunch: Turkey Sandwich with string cheese and carrots

Dinner: Taco Salad

Breakfast: Greek Yogurt with granola on top

Lunch: Peanut Butter and Jelly with a fruit

Dinner: Stuffed Bell Peppers

Breakfast: Eggs and Toast

Lunch: Turkey Sandwich with apples and peanut butter and carrots

Dinner: Chicken Quesadillas  

Breakfast: Cheerios with blueberries

Lunch: Sandwich of their choice with vegetables

Dinner: Chicken Parmesian

Breakfast: Oatmeal with Fruit

Lunch: Let the child decide! (but they have to have one vegetable!)

Dinner: Spaghetti with whole grain noodles

Breakfast: Omelets with meat and vegetables

Lunch: Vegetable Stir fry

Dinner: Hamburger with beans and chips

Breakfast: Let the child decide! (this could be pancakes etc)

Lunch and Dinner: Let Sunday be leftover day and let the child decide what they want to eat!

Remember to have a day where the child can eat what they want! It is all about balance.

If your child really wants ice cream let them but not every night!

Don't force your child to eat what they don't like, if they want something different try to figure out what they want and make adjustments. 

Don't forget to go on daily family walks!

Grab an orange or a banana for a snack before chips

Have a cheat day where you can eat whatever you want that you are craving! (once a month)

Don't forget you are beautiful just the way you are!

It is important that YA are able to have the opportunity to make choices for themselves. Schools need to do a better job of teaching about nutrition in schools while also teaching body positivity and embracing all shapes and sizes.  This impacts my thinking because it is important to allow students to make choices in all aspects of their lives so that when they are older they can think for themselves on what they want and promote cognitive and higher thinking levels. I gravitated towards this book because I was always insecure and felt like I was overweight in middle school and in high school. I was constantly comparing my bodies to people in the class and it really lead to some very unhealthy eating habits that I still am working with into my adulthood. While I never had to go to a "fat camp" like she did I could relate to a lot of what she was internally dealing with. I feel like this book gave insight to the pressures that children feel and while yes it is important to be healthy I think it is important to teach YA that as long as you eat healthy and exercise then you are doing your best. Writing out meals to bring structure to young adolescents is important as well. After reading this book I think it reminds me how fragile students are at this age and how influential they are. The beauty standards are constantly changing which adds unnecessary pressure to young adolescents. I think it has reminded me to also present information in a positive way especially when it comes to being healthy. Everyone needs to be healthy for their bodies and no one else. I think it is important to teach healthy habits and body positivity to young adolescents. 
Revisions: I feel like this meal plan makes me think about adolescents differently after reading about how much the body goes through changes and how that looks different for every young adolescent. Boys and girls develop and grow at different rates and while this meal plan looks great on the outside, it might not be realistic for everyone. Which I think is a good point to make as well: with social media young adolescents are constantly faced with the "ideal body type" so while you can encourage a healthy meal plan its more important to teach healthy habits than a meal plan. I think it is important to talk with students about what is being put in the media and relating to them. I think as an adult I forget what it was like to think with a young adolescent mind and not being able to see through the filters and photoshop. Most importantly an aspect of the book that made me think differently was when she was constantly thinking about how if she was skinny, she would be liked. I think young adolescents are in a really vulnerable state to do whatever they can to fit in. I want to show that it is not about how you look but how you act towards another person.  I think that this could be more applicable to young adolescents to show a "mock" meal plan but it is important for it to be their own. I also think it is important to show a "three meals a day" rule. There are so many diets out there that encourage people to skip meals and young adolescents to not eat. Diet culture is such a tricky subject for everyone. I think the way I will encourage body positivity in my classroom would be teaching about photoshop and the extent that it can go to. I will also encourage students to be open and honest and not make fun of the way someone looks in any physical aspect (or for anything really). Encouraging YA students to accept themselves no matter the size or color and embrace differences in everyone. A person is more than a number on a scale and it shouldn't be in their adulthood when they first learn this. 
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