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Cultural Responsiveness



  • Students will be nice and inclusive to the students around them

  • Students will learn to form their own identity and beliefs in the classroom

  • Students will respect their classmates, teacher, and the environment around them

  • Students will respect others viewpoints and try to see others perspectives on all topics

  • Zero tolerance of bullying or inappropriate language or comments. Hold your peers accountable

  • Be inclusive not exclusive 

  • Work together! Team work makes the dream work!

  • Be accepting of other's differences, thats what makes us unique.

  • The teacher will embrace all students in the classroom

  • The teacher will be mindful of students individual needs 

  • The teacher will be inclusive of all students

  • Teacher will learn about the student as a person and not just a learner

  • Teacher will create lessons that allow students to learn at their own pace while be challenging to promote growth

  • Teacher will be mindful of students needs and point of view within the classroom

  • Teacher will create a safe space where the students feel comfortable to share out and be theirselves.  

Classroom Material

Throughout the school year we will be reading a variety of genres. As the teacher I want to make sure the readings and material provided are as culturally diverse as possible. I will be providing genres written by diverse authors and stories featuring diverse characters. Not only will our classroom be inclusive but so will the material being provided. 



In the classroom I want to create a safe space where students are accepting of all the students in the classroom as well as in their community. Since I only get them in the classroom I want to really rely having on acceptance and inclusiveness in a way that helps them bring this mentality outside of the classroom and into the real world. I want the students to see that my classroom is a safe space to be expressive without judgement. This goes into my role as the teacher. I will do everything I can to see things from the student point of view and make my lesson with inclusiveness in mind. I want to choose material and lessons that not only make the young adolescents better students but also better humans overall. The ability that I have to do this is through the material that I choose for students to read. While it is important to choose primary sources it is also important for students to be exposed to different writers. While Edgar Allen Poe is a phenomenal poet I will also choose poet he does not offer much diversity but by having students read other work from Maya Angelou, it will bring a different and diverse perspective. What the students learn can have a huge impact on them as a person. Through inclusion students can hopefully have a different outlook and perspective through teacher guidance.

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