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Challenge 1: Things We Keep

I chose this object to remind me how far I have come.

While doing this experience I learned that I actually have a lot of items around my apartment that have some sort of sentimental value. When the project first began I didn’t think that I would be able to find anything to talk about, but I was definitely wrong. When I finally chose the apartment key as the item that I wanted to write about I slowly began to go down memory lane of why I held on to the key. The key really is a reminder of the person I was and who I am now as a person. When interviewing Delannie, it was interesting to see what other people hold as their sentimental item. I found that it was actually a lot easier to ask her to be my stranger for the project than I thought it would be. It was also really easy to talk with her and by the end of the day we discovered that we had a lot in common. Asking to take her picture was a little awkward but I made sure to take one that she approved of. I think that this experience definitely showed me that you can learn a lot by asking questions to new people. I think that now whenever I am in a situation with people that I do not know I will try and make a better effort to get to know the people around me.  I think that I often just focus on my phone of keep to myself whenever in a situation with new people but I want to try and be more open and connect with people.

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