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Challenge 3: Investigation Mixtape

Why do you read?

1. When I went out with my question of "Why do you read" I honestly did not expect much from it. I figures that people in college didn't really have time to read or thought it was boring. But the answers that I got honestly surprised me, and made me sad to some extent. Majority of the people that I interviewed say it was an escape from reality. I found this interesting because you would think that watching TV would do that but I can speak from personal experience that reading is something completely different. I really enjoyed listening to everyone's reasons why they read and some where in it I found my passion again. I want to make a point to read more books about cultures and maybe more historical novels to educate myself further about topics. I think that I tend to stay in genres that I know I will like rather than venturing out into other subject areas. 

2. With the themes of "escape from reality" I think it is important that we are all just kind to one another. There is something that we are all trying to deal with privately. This can be applied to learners if they are late to turn in assignments take time to ask them why, and mean it. Ask them what is going on at home to limit them from being able to get work done. On a human level too it is important to be kind and realize that we are all dealing with things especially after the last year that we have experienced. I also think it tells people about 

3. This really made me think about how reading can be a community.  Even if you don't see people reading, they are. It is important to remember that people cope with things in different ways. Also there is a weird stigma around reading and being a 'nerd' for it but I think that reading can make a person more powerful and knowledgeable. Reading has always seem very individual to me and rather than reading a book and moving on I think the idea that I explored with Challenge two of being in a book club would e a great experience and a way to socialize about a shared experience. This challenged my thinking because I didn't realize how many people read for similar reasons that I do, to escape reality or take a break from the real world , so it really challenged my think about why is this not being discussed more? I think if you have multiple a lot of people saying they are trying to escape reality maybe collectively we need to look at the reality that we are all trying to escape from. 

  • What BIG ideas (or themes) did you discover as a result of your investigation? 

    • I discovered that hobbies can be for the same reason even if they are different. Also you can really connect with people over shared interests. Everyone has different ways that they relax, some its watching tv and some it is reading or going to a fitness class. ​

  • What other questions do you have as a result of this experience? 

    • I think I would like to dive deeper into the genres that people read? For example by asking the questions why do you read fantasy, romance, thriller etc maybe you could learn more about a person. ​

  • How might these different perspectives change your view on this focus? 

    • I think that this shows that there is more than surface level when it comes to hobbies. People do all sorts of things for different reasons. ​

**While this doesn't directly correspond with a fitness class which was the second option from Challenge 2 I decided to not ask anything about working out given the diet culture and I didn't want to offend anyone with questions such as "what do you like about working out?" and honestly not everyone can afford to go to a gym or workout classes so it did not feel appropriate. But I think that working out can be an outlet just like reading but I feel like asking random people about it could have gone negative**

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