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TCH 130: Prompt 4: MIDDLE

Middle school education is a progressive movement in contemporary dress

It is an environment in which youth come of age, acting out new roles as maturing social beings.

Developing into themselves and discovering who they are as a person and as a learner.

Designed in such a way that it responds to the unique characteristics, needs, and concerns of people going through this difficult life transition

Listen to your students in the classroom and be adaptable to their learning styles "If Education is going to succeed it must allow students to learn as fast as they can or as slow as they must"

One thing that surprised me: I really thought that Junior High and Middle school were the same thing. I noticed that older people would use junior high instead of middle school and genuinely thought it was the same thing thats just what it was called "back in the day." But learning that they are too different things really shocked me but I am glad that it is now middle school because it has a more emphasis on the youth and their learning styles.

One thing that I hope to learn more about: I hope to learn more about ways in which teachers can help to make sure that the students are learning in an environment that helps them grow as a person and a student. Young adults at this age are trying to figure out who they are and I want to figure out ways to help them discover who they are with more self reflection in the classroom.

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Miquela Bowers
Miquela Bowers
Feb 12, 2021

That last quote that you used was such an impactful quote for me. "If Education is going to succeed it must allow students to learn as fast as they can or as slow as they must". If everyone had this view on education I think it would allow students to thrive in school. Everyone learns at their own pace and that is something that as teachers we must realize. Some students will need more help to understand concepts than others.


Feb 10, 2021

Something I commented on another post was how I also thought that junior high and middle school were the same thing, I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who thought that. I think that trying to help middle level students figure out who they are through self reflection would be very beneficial to them as learners. I liked how you shared the idea of adapting to your students learning styles, and I agree completely. I think it's more important that we adapt to student learning styles rather than having them adapt to our teaching styles. I enjoyed your post!

- Zac


Sarah Yonamine
Sarah Yonamine
Feb 09, 2021

I love the sentences you chose for MIDDLE! I think that Listening to your students is one of my favorite ones. When you are teaching in a classroom and everything it very fast pace, it can be challenging to slow down and listen to the needs of your students. I also hope we can learn more about how to create a good environment for students to learn in. To expand on that idea, I also want to ask, how do we create a great learning environment for children when each students may look different? How can we incorporate all aspects of a great learning environment for each student?


Feb 08, 2021

Just by this blog post, I have a feeling that your teaching style is going to be very nurturing and understanding! I love that! I wrote down the same quote you used, but did not end up incorporating it. I thought the quote was very well said. I think the part about allowing students to work as slow as they must is key to the success of education. Not every student is an Honors A+ student, and that is perfectly okay. Some people take more time to understand material. As long as we push our students to be the best that they can be and to ask them to never stop striving for greatness, then I think we're doing a…

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