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TCH 130: Prompt Fifteen: Teaching Platform

What is the purpose of Schooling?

  • To educate the young minds that will become a part of society in the future.

  • To allow a chance for kids to socialize with other classmates broadening their social skills

  • To allow students to start critically thinking about the world.

  • To excite students about learning something new

  • To provide research skills to students that they can use in the future.

The image of the learner:

  • I believe that learners learn at their own pace, and that is OKAY

  • I believe that all learners are eager to learn they just might have off days, just like the teachers

  • I believe that all learners are smart

  • I believe that all learners are capable of learning anything

The Nature and substance of student work:

  • I believe that student work should be fun and engaging but promotes learning

  • I believe that student work should allow the students to think out side of the box and not conform

  • I believe that student work should allow students to express their individuality

  • I believe that students should be allowed to work with partners on assignments to allow for team building that can be used in the future.

The Image of the curriculum:

  • I believe that the curriculum should be flexible

  • I believe that the curriculum should be reasonable and obtainable

  • I believe that the curriculum should be inclusive for all students

  • I believe that the curriculum should be fun and engaging

The preferred pedagogy:

  • I believe that the classroom should be a place to think individually and then collaborate with a group

  • I believe that there should be a reward system in place to keep students motivated

  • I believe that traditional style teaching and discipline centered teaching are not the best way to teach

  • I believe that that students should be given time to self reflect on their work which promotes growth with their learning

The preferred school climate:

  • I believe that the best school climate is where you are excited to be there and consider classmates family

  • I believe the best school climate should be safe in all aspects

  • I believe that school climate should be respectful and inclusive

  • I believe that realistic goals is important

  • I believe that a classroom should involve understanding of another perspectives.

The social significance of the students learning:

  • I believe that learning provides student to make decisions

  • I believe that learning helps bring people together by understanding different backgrounds.

  • I believe that learning can promote students to want to help others and be involved in the community.

  • I believe that learning helps students learn more about the world around them.

While I don't think my teaching platformed has changed entirely that much since the beginning of the semester I feel like my thinking about the way lessons should be taught and how to benefit the learners has changed. Through my classes this semester I have really broaden my thinking on how things are taught and how often lessons are not inclusive to students. I want to make sure that all students are represented in the classroom and the material that is being taught reflects that. I want my students to feel safe and know they can trust me. My overall feelings about the classroom have not changed they have just been expanded upon.

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Miquela Bowers
Miquela Bowers
Apr 24, 2021

You have really great answers. I like that you stayed strong in what you believe but you understand more and are able to expand on what you already thought true. It is great that you want your classroom to be safe and inclusive.


Adrianna Fontana
Adrianna Fontana
Apr 21, 2021

Hi Taylor!

I really enjoyed reading your thoughts! I could connect to a lot of your answers! You had very thought out and organized responses! I especially liked your preferred school climate because I think these are very important points to make for the school climate to be good. Great job!

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