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TCH 130: Prompt Fourteen: PLN

4. Get Support When Needed.

I think that this really stood out to me because I noticed in the twitter chat that a lot of the teachers were helping each other and asking questions on things they were not sure on. I feel like everyone was really encouraging and saying "well in my classroom.." or "has anyone tried..." I think that having a PLN will be very beneficial when teaching and I have questions that I want to ask. I can totally see myself having a situation in the classroom and tweeting it and asking what other teachers thoughts are to see what the best solution would be.

9. Find the latest trends in education.

I think it is so important to know the new resources that are out there. Especially after last year there are so many new tools that teachers are using that can further enhance the classroom but unless I am connecting with teachers that are using it I would have no idea that it even existed! Having a PLN will be great when wanting to try new and fun tools in the classroom.

5. Make international connections. When I have been looking at tweets and I see them using a program I have never heard of I make sure to like the tweet so I can be sure to look back on it in the future.

The great thing about the internet it you can connect with people all around the world with the push of a button. This can be a great way to meet teachers in other counties and have your students collaborate with their students. It would get some real world experience for everyone and it would be something fun and engaging to be a part of. Also you may learn a way of teaching a lesson in a completely different way that is fun for the students and vise versa. Being able to connect with teachers from everywhere can only benefit you and your classmates.I have a friend whose brother teaches in Vietnam and he is always looking for teachers to collaborate with on projects and I have already told him once I have my own classroom that I would love to work with his class.

I do think that I will continue to use my PLN and try and stay active on by following other teacher professionals. In the short time that I have been using it I have seen so many helpful ideas and stuff that I have never thought about before. I think that having a PLN will be a way for me to stay current and discover new tools to use in my classrooms. Overall I really enjoyed this challenge a lot more than I thought I would in the beginning and didn't really see the full potential until doing the #mschat.

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Kristina Falbe
Kristina Falbe
Apr 09, 2021

Interesting that #mschat is what really did it for you. I have been thinking I should push that part of the assignment up a bit so that you can see more benefits from the challenge as a whole and have a larger network to be engaging with throughout. Thanks for your thoughts on the project, I am glad in the end you see the benefits.

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