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TCH 130: Prompt Thirteen: Intersectionality

Before watching this video I obviously knew that students had different challenges that they are facing based off of personal struggles with identity to challenges they are facing in their personal lives, like socioeconomic status and if they have enough money to pay for lunch. Now I really think that teachers can teach more about these challenges rather than not talking about it. While it can be embarrassing to address the subject in school about students that are struggling it is important to remind students to be kind to others as they may be struggling. It is important to get to know your students and have the students get to know each other to learn and grow. When I was in school there were people that were on free lunch etc but it was never talked about and if students knew they would sometimes be made fun of. This is a great way to educate the students and get rid of their stereotypes of the certain topic. The video really emphasized clearing up the biases that people have about certain subjects and think it is important for teachers to discuss this as well. I also thought that it was important to give current events to tackle intersectionality but I now think that books can be a great tool to give students to discuss certain subjects.

These texts remind me of the podcasts that my inquiry group had to listen to about the School to prison pipeline when they talked about the suspensions rates in schools and how black students are more likely to get suspended than white students. Intersectionality is present here that black student are more likely not to graduate than white students. This could also be a reflection on the teachers, what teachers are giving out these suspensions etc. It is important that the students are managed in the classroom rather than just suspending students when it may not be accurate.

I am still wondering why the teachers are still using old books like "To Kill a Mockingbird" to teach about intersectionality. Students cannot relate to older books anymore and teachers should be using newer and more recent books for their students when teaching about intersectionality. By using older books that do not have the best point of views at times could potentially have more harm than good with students.

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Kristina Falbe
Kristina Falbe
Apr 09, 2021

Isn't it interesting how people want to hold on to old things (like those books) just because they are familiar? Do you follow the hastag #DisruptTexts. I highly recommend it.

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